Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Birthday

How much has changed in a year? Sophie was born at 19.5 inches and is now 31.75 inches. She weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces and is now 24 pounds. She is walking everywhere. She is constantly into everything which is pretty exhausting. She is like a little cyclone. She says maa-maa, daa-daa, and dog very well. She also has conversations with herself. She often will carry these conversations on with me and Marty- guess she thinks we know what she is talking about. She is almost always happy. We are still holding steady with 8 teeth. She loves to eat- peas, lima beans, green beans, blueberries, pears, peaches, and chicken. Sophie is such a sweet little girl. I know I have said it before, but we were truly blessed with her. She is a wonderful miracle that has changed our lives and we couldn’t imagine life without her.

We celebrated her birthday with all of our family around us, and she was not fazed by the amount of people in our house. She just walked around and smiled at everyone. It really was a great party, and we were overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity.

Sophie, we love you!!!! Happy, happy first birthday! We can't wait to celebrate many more!

Mommy and Daddy